President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil
At CGI Latin America, President Clinton will convene
regional and global leaders to move beyond discussion
and drive cross-sector action.
CGI Latin America will engage key leaders from the private sector, government, civil society,
and NGOs
to generate lasting solutions to the region’s, and the world’s, most pressing challenges.
By strengthening
these partnerships, examining successful initiatives, and developing new
strategies, these challenges
can be met by a prosperous global community.
President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil
Claudia Antunes
Revista Piauí
Sergio Juárez Correa
José Urbina López Primary School
Sergio Quiroga da Cunha
President for Latin America & Caribbean
Caitlin Fisher
Co-founder and Director
Guerreiras Project
Michael Jenkins
President and CEO
Forest Trends
Maria Beatriz Kern
Mulher em Construção
Oskar Metsavaht
Creative Director, Osklen
Founder, Instituto-e
Marcella Monteiro de Barros Coelho
Coordinator of the Global Entrepreneurship Week
Eric Olsen
Executive Vice-President of Operations
Lafarge S.A.
Ana Paula Padrão
Tempo de Mulher
Shannon Schuyler
Principal, Corporate Responsibility Leader
Juliano Seabra
Managing Director
Endeavour Brazil
Alida Spadafora
Executive Director
National Association for the Conservation of Nature
Almir Narayamogo Surui
Tribal Chief
Surui Amazon Tribe
Virgílio Viana
Chief Executive Officer
Fundação Amazonas Sustentável
Dr. José Ayerbe
Chief Marketing Officer
Grupo Aval Acciones Y Valores S A
Sylvia Coutinho
Chief Executive Officer, UBS Group Brazil
Juan Marroquín Cuesta
Nestlé Brasil Ltda
Sergio Cunha
President for Latin America & Caribbean
Fernando Fernández
Chief Executive Officer, Unilever Brazil
Sérgio Cabral Filho
Governor of Rio de Janeiro
Federatie Republic of Brazil
Angélica Fuentes
Chief Executive Officer
Grupo Omnilife/Angelissima
Louise K. Goeser
President and CEO, Siemens Mesoámerica
Siemens, S.A. de C.V.
David Gruppo
Managing Director, Head of Latin America Corporate & Investment Banking
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi
Nizan Guanaes
Grupo ABC
Lair Hanzen
President, Yara Brazil
Yara International ASA
Per Heggenes
Chief Executive Officer
IKEA Foundation
Francisco Suárez Hernández
Sustainability Director
Luciano Huck
TV Host
TV Globo
Alicia Bárcena Ibarra
Executive Secretary
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Henk S. de Jong
President Philips Brazil
Philips Healthcare
Kurt Koeningfest
Chief Executive Officer
Mauricio Macri
Mayor of Buenos Aires
Argentine Republic
Sergio Massa
Mayor of Tigre
Argentine Republic
Yves Moury
President and Chief Executive Officer
Fundación Capital
Edgardo Navarro
McDonald's Latin America
Eric Olsen
Executive Vice President, Operations
Lucas E. Pescarmona
Chief Operating Officer
Frank Rainieri
President and Chief Executive Officer
Carlos Rodriguez-Pastor
Albina Ruiz
Founder and President
Ciudad Saludable
Ninfa Salinas Sada
United Mexican States
Daniel Scioli
Governor of Buenos Aires
Argentine Republic
Hatem Soliman
President, Latin America
Schlumberger Limited
Hernando De Soto
Institute for Liberty and Democracy
Pedro E. Suárez
President, Latin America
The Dow Chemical Company
Almir Narayamoga Surui
Tribal Chief
Surui Amazon Tribe
Xiemar Zarazua
Business Unit President
The Coca-Cola Company
Sunday, December 8
Monday, December 9
Tuesday, December 10
16:30 – 18:30
Sponsor-Hosted Events: Girls & Women's Pre-Meeting Strategy and Networking Session
19:00 – 21:00
Sponsor-Hosted Events: Off-Site Locations
are moderated panel discussions featuring leaders from across sectors, covering broad issues relevant to all meeting participants.
are in-depth and interactive, focusing the dialogue through three strategic approaches called Action Areas:
9:00 – 10:30
Opening Plenary Session: Designing Opportunities for Growth
11:00 – 12:00
Plenary Session: Latin American Cities: Revitalization and Economic Transformation
12:30 – 15:00
Working Lunch Sessions
15:30 – 16:30
Plenary Session: Women Entrepreneurs: Expanding to Large-Scale Enterprises
19:00 – 22:00
Special Event: The Cocktails & Flavors of Rio de Janeiro
9:00 – 10:00
Plenary Session: Early Childhood Development: Closing Gaps, Opening Futures
10:30 – 12:00
Working Sessions
12:00 – 13:30
Networking Lunch
13:30 – 15:00
Working Sessions
15:30 – 17:00
Closing Plenary Session: Mobilizing for the Future
*All times are in BRST
*Schedule is subject to change
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meetings provide a platform to interact with individuals from across sectors, form partnerships, and collaborate to build Commitments to Action, addressing some of today’s most pressing challenges within the Latin American region and globally. CGI facilitates action by leveraging participants’ influence, expertise, and passion to create effective and measurable commitments.
Participation in CGI Latin America includes:
Participation is by invitation only, for inquiries please contact [email protected].
Commitments to Action can be small or large, financial or nonmonetary in nature. Many commitments are the result of cross-sector partnerships, with CGI members combining efforts to expand their impact. While the three Action Areas explore specific topics within the broader meeting context, commitments can address a more expansive scope of challenges in any part of the world. To date, CGI members have made more than 2,500 Commitments to Action, which have improved the lives of over 430 million people in more than 180 countries.
CGI supports the development of commitments by facilitating dialogue, providing opportunities to identify partners, and communicating results.
CGI serves as a catalyst for action, but does not engage in the actual implementation of commitments.
Every commitment must meet three basic criteria:
New: A CGI commitment must present a new idea or approach to a major challenge. While ongoing work is not eligible, an expansion of a successful program does qualify as a valid Commitment to Action. Additionally, participants can become partners on other CGI commitments by, for example, providing in-kind support or technical expertise.
Specific: A CGI commitment must outline a specific approach to a problem, have clear and feasible objectives to be accomplished within a defined period of time, and articulate the desired outcome of the effort.
Measurable: CGI commitments must have specific quantitative or qualitative goals that can be monitored by the commitment-maker to evaluate progress over time. As each commitment is implemented, annual progress is reported to CGI to demonstrate the extent of its impact.
[email protected]
+1 (212) 397-2255
Where will the meeting take place?
CGI Latin America will be held at the Copacabana Palace Hotel located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The address for the Copacabana Palace Hotel is:Do I need a visa to attend the meeting?
If you do not currently reside in Brazil, you may be required to obtain a tourist visa to enter the country. Please check with the Brazilian embassy or consulate nearest you for visa requirements. CGI is unable to obtain visas for participants.What language will the meeting be held in?
The CGI Latin America Meeting will be held in English, with translation services available in Spanish and Portuguese during all programmatic portions of the event.How can I attend the CGI Latin America Meeting?
Participation is by invitation only, for inquiries please contact [email protected].What is the deadline to register for the meeting?
Participation in the CGI Latin America Meeting is limited. Registering as soon as possible to secure your attendance is highly encouraged.How can I book accommodations for my stay?
CGI has secured discounted rates for attendees at the hotels listed below, valid for the week of the meeting. These rates can only be guaranteed until the cut-off dates or until the hotel blocks reach capacity.Copacabana Palace Hotel (host venue)
I have dietary restrictions. Will there be accommodations made for me?
Meals will be served throughout the meeting, with vegetarian options available. Please contact your Relationship Manager should you require any specific accommodations.Can I bring a guest or spouse to CGI Latin America?
Attendees are unable to bring a guest or spouse to the daytime portions of the meeting. However, guests are welcome at the social reception on Monday evening for an additional fee. Please contact [email protected] or your Relationship Manager for more information.How can my company sponsor the Clinton Global Initiative?
Sponsors of CGI proudly share the common goal of finding solutions to pressing global challenges. Companies can sponsor entire events, specific parts of an event, or provide support for the year-round programming that is available to CGI members. If you or your company is interested in becoming a sponsor of CGI, please contact [email protected] or call +1 (212) 397-2255.For any additional questions, please email [email protected].