This September, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) brought leaders together from across the world to turn ideas into action at the 2015 Annual Meeting.
This year's theme, The Future of Impact, prompted attendees — and the global community — to think about where global leaders should focus their efforts in the next decade.
Read their responses below.

RT @ChelseaClinton: In advance of #CGI2015, we're asking what the #FutureofImpact should be. Share your thoughts: http://t.co/s9TzCwIBL2
22 09 2015

Living Buildings and Communities are the #FutureofImpact @Living_Future
29 09 2015

#FutureofImpact: empowering communities to bring about sustainable development & positive social transformation w/ respect for human rights
29 09 2015
The future of impact depends on our ability to empower adolescent girls. If we can enable girls, we can change the world. Let's make girls' education a right not a luxury. #CGI2015 #ThisGirlsGoal
United States
29 09 2015

Synergistic partnerships based on implicit diversity.
United States
29 09 2015
Designing schools to be safe, non-violent and gender-sensitive and support quality education for all.
United States
29 09 2015
I want to see a world where girls' education is a given not a luxury. where girls are valued and their heroism recognized.
United States
29 09 2015
The future of impact is locally-led and globally-connected. Wen we empower girls to create change in their own lives, we are building a more just and sustainable global community.
United States
29 09 2015
Mohamed Yunus right: education must prepare young people, girls and boys, to be job creators not only job seekers, to be problem solvers, engaged citizens.
United States
29 09 2015
The future of girls education is not having to call it girls education but #edforall. Respect. Choice. Independence.
United States
29 09 2015
We need the youth to have role models that teach boys and girls how to respect one another from the start. Because day-to-day interactions are what will shape equal treatment in the classroom, the office, and the world.
United States
29 09 2015
Everyone has a dream and is empowered and enabled to achieve them...
29 09 2015
A world where girls' lives are valued, measured + invested in. Perceptions must change to realise girls' unique potential to change the world. #GirlDeclaration
29 09 2015
Mothers and children are reintegrated into the education system together for a better future.
29 09 2015
For East Africa, the future lies in "Empowering the informal sector" to create jobs for the Youth. We shall empower them through formalization.
29 09 2015
Education that is debt free
29 09 2015

Empowering local doctors in developing countries is the #FutureofImpact @ClintonGlobal @Good @Smiletrain
29 09 2015
Respecting the natural world while uplifting humanity is the #FutureofImpact. #APWFund #CGI2015
29 09 2015
Responsiveness and political participation and using the energy of the youth in the right direction is the #FutureofImpact.
29 09 2015
Education, Education, Education, Early Education for All!
29 09 2015
I see the Future of Impact as most important with the environment and education. Learning about the environment should be included as part of education's responsibility.
United States
29 09 2015
The #FutureofImpact is a world with successful triple bottom lines.
29 09 2015

Solutions that empower the individual & have long lasting ripple effect are the #FutureofImpact. http://t.co/Z3hkAyomDL
28 09 2015

#FutureofImpact: empowering parents and caregivers to empower all children for educational (& life long!) success @ClintonGlobal @GOOD
28 09 2015
Minaturized medicines to improve human health worldwide #futureofimpact
28 09 2015
..Impact requires new intersections. Public/private. Competitors to collaborators. It's about win/win solutions where every participant has a clear and compelling reason to join and stay involved.
28 09 2015
I see the future of impact as a world where women & men are truly equal; where men don't just accept, but embrace gender equality & are full, nonviolent partners in health & caregiving.
United States
28 09 2015
I see a future of independence from the current constraints in problem solving, leaving only those walls in our minds and hearts. let's pledge to bring these barriers down as rapidly.
United States
28 09 2015

For these young women in #Tanzania, solar lights mean more hours to study each night: they mean a better education, and a #brighter future. The #Futureofimpact are solutions that have long lasting ripple effects, and empower the individual. (Part 1/2 of Solar Sister's #FutureofImpact) #solar #education #womenseducation #socialenterprise #rippleeffect #cgi2015
28 09 2015
Ensuring access to quality education for ALL children regardless of gender or income so they can be empowered as the next generation of leaders #FutureofImpact
28 09 2015
Diverse engineering workforce to include the best minds to solve the world's problems
28 09 2015
Educating Women and Girls To Make Choices That Matter To Themselves And Their Communities is the #FutureofImpact.
United States
28 09 2015
I think the importance of the woman's role in the environmental problem can be a great topic ti discuss.
28 09 2015
a world where every child can choose his or her own destiny
28 09 2015
I see innovations as the key for Entrepreneurship. Education policy makers should redefine Education For Sustainable Development.Encourage entrepreneurship content in schools.
United States
28 09 2015
I see the future of impact as major corps working w/social entrepreneurs to find specific &scaled solutions for the existing & potential markets.
United States
28 09 2015
Disaster Risk Reduction and Public-Private Partnerships to build infrastructure are 2 issues I would like to see greater progress made.
United States
28 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is a global transformation in how the world manages fresh water. Excited for our announcement @ClintonGlobal #CGI2015
28 09 2015

Education: focusing on problem-solving skills and creative confidence RT How do you envision the #FutureofImpact? @ClintonGlobal & @GOOD
28 09 2015

28 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is facilitated when we add a #genderlens to investing @ClintonGlobal
27 09 2015

The #futureofimpact is possible when we enable men and women to fully participate in breadwinning & caregiving @ClintonGlobal
27 09 2015

Solving last mile distribution challenge w/ market based solutions so that everyone, everywhere has access to clean energy. #futureofimpact
27 09 2015

Imagine...We live in a world that spends more $ on curing #baldness than fighting #poverty #CGI2015 #FutureofImpact https://t.co/nutDDgaKyI
27 09 2015
Teach our young to know that insulation in buildings, twice the code amount, will save our country half a trillion a year in wasted energy each year.
United States
28 09 2015
I see the future of impact as a world of people free of fear. A world where people are value, respected and given the right to fulfill their full potentials. People should never fear of being alive irrespective of where they are in the world because it's a right.
28 09 2015
My dream is that we can fix the NCD crisis and leave the world a better healthier place for the next generation. NCDs are our responsibility to fix.
28 09 2015

Bridging the #microfinance gap for #smallholder farmers is key to the #Futureofimpact http://t.co/LeKkAe5TIf #CGI2015 http://t.co/lrPNynXgQs
27 09 2015
I see the future of impact as one that is focused on eradicating poverty & diseases in the developing world by creating channels that would entrench a sustainable economy now & in the future.
27 09 2015
Multiculturalism, respect of each other's cultural background and old civilization in a world which has been too much driven by profit making, power and status while losing the real meaning and purpose of life. Explore different aspects of life and challenge outdated traditional values and life style liimposed upon us
United States
27 09 2015
Plpolicies must enable housing planning that can survive the massive effects of climate change and population increase , and still have the resources public transport for families and people t be able to work.
American Samoa
27 09 2015
Future housing: community led, safe, healthy, sustainable, mixed-income/use, resilient, affordable, policy/financing enabled, local economy/jobs, live/work/share resources
27 09 2015
1) People claiming their housing and community rights, and voicing their needs.
2) Strong coordination among all stakeholders to cooperate on delivering adequate affordable housing.
United States
27 09 2015
The future of housing involves; looking at housing holistically with the consumer having essential input and finding ways to scaling housing.
United States
27 09 2015

Feeding our own supply chain is the #FutureofImpact @Nets2Carpet @ClintonGlobal #CGI2015 http://t.co/1TNykGX75s http://t.co/AHOMBvTB15
25 09 2015
Every man and woman will be able to achieve positive social impact every day by having access to affordable sustainable products and services and creating social businesses
27 09 2015

Housing that is robust, safe and sustainable, with adequate sanitation, electricity and water, with access to healthcare, education and jobs.
27 09 2015
Cities with a beating human heart, welcoming, resourceful, sustainable, drivers of social and economic development locally, nationally and globally.
27 09 2015
Climate change will cause housing to radically change by 2030, to zero emissions zero waste and outside of the traditional urban growth model.
27 09 2015
As population grows to extreme over population causing climate disasters, we hope to see sustainable, safe, healthy homes built in urban neighborhoods with walkability.
27 09 2015
The right to a home has to be the basis for progress in tackling housing crisis. Community involvement is essential allied to a strategic multi agency approach. We need to design urban centers with full facilities for residents.
27 09 2015
Ensuring that communities are at the forefront of decisions about how to design resilient neighborhoods.
27 09 2015
Universal Migration, Trade, Citizenship, Pay Equality, Healthcare, 100% IoT automation
27 09 2015
new models of collaboration and partnerships which better serve the need for more efficient and effective collective action in support of the #GlobalGoals. #CGI2015
United States
27 09 2015

#FutureofImpact : ensuring that nature continues to provide for us. We all need clean air, food and a healthy ocean to survive #CGI2015
27 09 2015

As we discuss #FutureofImpact, we must find effective approaches, then scale & replicate.
#GlobalGoals #CGI2015
27 09 2015
The #futureofimpact is removing all barriers to entrepreneurship, especially for women and disadvantaged communities.
27 09 2015

Capacity building for aspiring women entrepreneurs is critical to #FutureofImpact
#CGI2015 #GlobalGoals
27 09 2015

There are problems with the way we solve problems. The #FutureofImpact will be recasting the mechanisms and institutions of change. #CGI2015
27 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact will be driven by creative problem solvers connected via tech that shatters silos and opens innovation. #CGI2015
27 09 2015

critical to the #FutureofImpact is accelerating the advent of an open source society empowering distributed health, education, food & energy
27 09 2015

Excited to be @CGI to announce @ConservationOrg's commitment. The #FutureofImpact is clean, fresh water for all societies on earth. #CGI2015
27 09 2015

The #FutureOfImpact is cities designed to improve all lives, measuring results, & empowering communities to do it. https://t.co/s9NPzslIlj
27 09 2015

The #futureofimpact is led by youth who know that they are the stewards of their forests and planet. @ClintonGlobal http://t.co/0zikwcriPV
27 09 2015

The sea is like a bank account where everyone withdraws but nobody makes a deposit. #FutureofImpact starts by protecting more of the sea
27 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact will be shaped by women entrepreneurs, which is why it is vital that we support them #CGI2015
27 09 2015

#futureofimpact is a world where leaders are not polarized for having evolved, inclusive & divergent beliefs but elevated for it #CGI2015
27 09 2015

#FutureOfImpact: Environmental, social and economic #data, combined with citizen engagement, improves decisions leading to #SustDev
27 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is a world where children are safe, healthy, and valued-- #freefromviolence. @GOOD #CGI2015 http://t.co/YAZYwDw3ML
27 09 2015
I dream of a world where children are free to enjoy their childhood freedom, education and protection. It is achievable if we prioritize our policies and businesses for the betterment of children.
27 09 2015
I want to prioritize building a community where differences are valued and mutual respect exists. We can do this through storytelling and educating people.
27 09 2015
Climatic change: creates environmental issues requiring water conservation & sustainable use of water. Air pollution creates environmental issues for health of planet & all inhabitants animal/plant
United States
27 09 2015
Millions of farmers in Africa lifted out of poverty by irrigating their land, growing crops year round, adapting to climate change, feeding their families & earning lots of money
27 09 2015

A world where companies and organisations only attain legitimacy by making the world better, safer, more resilient - in addition to meeting their bottom line
United Kingdom
27 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is #responsibleinnovation: engage publics in future planning; ensure just processes/outcomes; integrate tech and society
27 09 2015

.@ClintonGlobal #FutureofImpact mothers will not die giving birth
27 09 2015
I see the future of impact as when investment in nature-based solutions is normal business and all humanity joins hands to safeguard and recover nature, set on a new course for a healthy planet.
27 09 2015

I see the future of impact as reverse scale which means that those who will help others transform their visions from hope into a plan and into action will be those people who themselves have experienced a heart transformed.
United States
27 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact: Chhorvy & Barang @wedu_global #RisingStars from Cambodia today at #CGI2015 @good @NickKristof http://t.co/1gVn519h4f
27 09 2015
Issues matter most to me are public education for our children, students loans assistance and healthcare with shelter. Jobs are a concern as well for college graduates.
27 09 2015
Securing a quality education and full economic participation for all girls and women across the world.
27 09 2015

Providing access to healthy, affordable food options in impoverished areas, where junk-food forms a big part of the diet. #FutureOfImpact
26 09 2015

"Providing smallholder farmers with the financing & training to grow their way out of poverty is the #FutureofImpact" http://t.co/boehdDqpdU
26 09 2015

@wedu_global mentors and family meeting at #CGI2015 they are the #FutureofImpact @ClintonGlobal http://t.co/v8tMIJgiHG
26 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact will see the growing tourism industry as a catalyst of employment, education, and community building #CGI2015
26 09 2015
We need to invest in STEM education for all young people of this nation and develop the same high standards for all schools and students – regardless of race or socio-economic status.
United States
26 09 2015

#FutureofImpact involves shifting perceptions of where the personal &social, the private&public origins of health begins: the mind #CGI2015
26 09 2015

#futureofimpact: ending child marriage so girls can determine their own futures & live with health, safety & dignity. http://t.co/DgwbnilBk4
26 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is individual impact. Today, individuals all around the world can be empowered to affect change at a global scale.
26 09 2015
The future of impact is transforming nations through empowering and partnering with entrepreneurs in several sectors simultaneously.
The Gambia
26 09 2015
A future where we ask how to create ecosystems of social ventures to tackle problems at scale of the problem E.g. energy to the remaining 1.4 billion
United States
26 09 2015
Work of global leaders turn to combating poverty, hunger, pobresa and poor quality of life because it robs the future above all the generations.
26 09 2015
Children’s future, so their vision. 15-year-old girl, Zambia: “I want a new world where children are protected from all forms of violence and abuse.”
26 09 2015

All talk, no walk. There must be measurement. Therefore True Value Accounting to account for impact on PEOPLE, PLACE, ENVIRONMENT as well as PROFIT.
United States
26 09 2015

Pollution , Poverty
Climate change,Poverty, Food & Water&Conflict zones
26 09 2015

What matters most to me is participating in the actual work of showing folks how to live a more abundant life.
26 09 2015
We must review the distribution of all resources & skills. We can do it by unleashing Maker culture & relocalising production. #FutureofImpact
26 09 2015
CA Technologies: We envision a future where everyone has an opportunity to succeed, a mentor to guide them and a job to grow through.
United States
26 09 2015

ensuring children grow up in safe and protected families, free from abuse, exploitation, neglect, trafficking, child labour.
United Kingdom
26 09 2015
#FutureofImpact A peaceful world esp Africa where devp't should be the focus respect of people's voice the priority and to break the vicious cycle of individualism shld be the aim
26 09 2015
Revolutionize the pharmaceutical distribution model to create a robust supply chain for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) products.
26 09 2015

Empowering people by showing how to budget and the benefits of do so.
United States
26 09 2015
Promotion of girl child education. Education on child malnutrition and its effect on children.Also to support rural fa rmers to cultivate vegetables to feed their children .
26 09 2015
I see a future where leaders understand that silo's create issues and stakeholders create solutions. Let’s Create a global environment of peace, trust and economic growth.
United States
26 09 2015
Building codes need to be relaxed to allow for more multi-generational housing. This can help protect us from economic downturns. We need flexibility! Duplexes, four-plexes. multiple living spaces.
United States
26 09 2015
Empowerment through paternership.
United States
26 09 2015
Helping families care for the elderly in a humane, dignified, affordable manner - so that they have joy, companionship and enhanced quality of life. Opposite of how most U.S. Elderly are treated now.
United States
26 09 2015
Gender equality is the key to sustainability for business and society, but to create lasting change, we must break down the silos we work in and share strategies, networks and resources.
United States
26 09 2015
Education, Education, Education, Education--the answer to all four questions.
Public Education the next answer to all four questions.. . .
including critical thinking skills in every grade!
United States
26 09 2015
Optimal nutrition for children to enable them reach their maximum potential and contribute positively to economic and social development of their countries and the world.
26 09 2015
. . . having the year of the woman. Having stability through equality and empowering all women in their countries and here at home.
United States
26 09 2015
I wish to see the children of the world with at least access to their basic necessities: food, cloth, education housing, and health, since they are our future.
United States
26 09 2015

#FutureofImpact means multidisciplinary approaches to addressing complex social problems will be the norm and not the exception. #CGI2015
26 09 2015
I want to enable girls in Haiti to be able to advance in education and make a real impact in their country, reducing inequities, corruption and oppression.
United States
26 09 2015

I would like to see an interfaith effort to act as ONE to clean up our earth and promote human dignity and justice, and in the process, promote peace in our communities.
26 09 2015
Humanitarian assistance to all those in need regardless of plight, immediate discontinued use of all fossil fules, and doing away with borders with the understanding that we are all one.
26 09 2015
The empowerment of youth through quality education and increasing employment opportunities is the Future of Impact
Palestinian Territories
26 09 2015
The Future of Impact needs to ensure children have the best start in life by helping them grow up in safe families, free from abuse, exploitation, neglect, trafficking, and child labour.
26 09 2015
fighting climate change. The clock is ticking. Every day of delay brings 1 more day of irreversible climate damage.
26 09 2015
helping the Afghanistan industry to start growing products that are needed in the world, provide them with adequate roads and drainage system connecting them to the rest of the world.
26 09 2015
Dealing with a warming planet, and its consequences for all life & natural resources.
The capacity of alternative medicine and use of genetic testing, to treat and understand autoimmune disorders.
United States
26 09 2015

#FutureofImpact: Understanding connections between environment and our health; the benefits of alternative medicine when traditional fails.
25 09 2015
Neither bodies nor societies can be healthy without healthy minds. The #FutureofImpact means recognizing that #mentalhealthmatters #wecanfixthis!
United States
25 09 2015
Green, sustainable, environment friendly energy, cars, buildings, cities. First save the planet to be able to impact anything in the future
25 09 2015
Focusing equally on quality and not just numbers. I care about training teachers who are going to change young people's lives, rather than training teachers to meet a target.
25 09 2015
clean, potable water for all & no one hungry
United States
25 09 2015
Before we start designing fairer cities we won't solve any of our top challenges. Happy places are the key to curing most ills. #FutureofImpact
25 09 2015
The future of impact is leaders in all areas of government, business, social and religious life inspiring individuals to act to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals.
United States
25 09 2015
The future of impact is giving all people access to their own data, along with powerful ways to use it as an asset in their lives. Consumers should own the data they generate.
25 09 2015

A world free from violence for children. #free from violence
25 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is access to quality healthcare for everyone, no matter where they live. @ClintonGlobal @good #CGI2015
24 09 2015
The Future of Impact is when community and national organizations learn from each other within and across countries what works to improve childhood and family care.
United States
25 09 2015
I see the future with people from all walks of life focusing on helping people of all faiths and walks of life sharing their efforts with each other and sharing priorities for the next generations.
25 09 2015
Good health, wellness are critical for our future. Chronic disease, air pollution and rising health care cost issues are easily addressed by encouraging whole foods, plant-based nutrition.
United States
25 09 2015
A world free of pollution and poverty.
25 09 2015

@ClintonGlobal...#FutureofImpact climate change and sexual violence discussion panel amongst African youths is needed to chart a way forward
24 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is students all around the world learning together and creating #peace through sharing and understanding #CGI2015
24 09 2015
I see a future where girls and women have freedom to access all the resources available; to educate and empower themselves to realize their full potential.
United States
25 09 2015
Evolving immediately off fossil fuels. Poverty, disease, resource wars, displacement, famine, drought — even tribal / cultural / religious tensions — will be exacerbated by climate change.
United States
25 09 2015

Education is the #FutureofImpact, creating brighter futures for children and communities around the world. http://t.co/808wWpKNmS
25 09 2015

@good @ClintonGlobal We’re drowning in #bigdata. The #FutureofImpact is not what we do w/ it, it’s what that data does for people. #CGI2015
24 09 2015
Economic empowerment of women thru vocational training leading to entrepreneurship is THE GAMECHANGER & #theFutureofImpact#whyweFITE
United States
25 09 2015

Ultimately dealing with climate change is most important as it will impact hunger, housing, health., population migration, survival of life on earth.
United States
25 09 2015

Following an inclusive business model is the #FutureofImpact @Nets2Carpet @ClintonGlobal http://t.co/vz6mB2w4OB http://t.co/WjCEL5gtWP
24 09 2015
I see the Future of Impact as religious leaders at the forefront of ensuring girls' and women's rights globally.
25 09 2015
HURU kits keep girls in school during their periods . That's the #FutureofImpact.
United States
25 09 2015

No child should ever again be told "You were born in the wrong place at the wrong time so you won't gain an education. That idea belongs on the scrap heap of human history
Hong Kong
25 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is in the hands of empowered supported community-based experts, finding local solutions to local (and global) challenges
23 09 2015

Civil society organizations give a voice to global conservation projects #FutureofImpact @ClintonGlobal #biodiversity #climateaction
23 09 2015
Education equality for all! Empower our future leaders!
United States
25 09 2015
Protecting and advocating for the most vulnerable- the children, the elderly and the informed world wide.
United States
25 09 2015

We envision a future where 50% or the world's #leaders are women. How do you envision the #FutureofImpact? @ClintonGlobal @GOOD
22 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is bringing #gender policies to life through #sport
22 09 2015

We see a future where we live aware of our environment and make data-rich decisions. #futureofimpact #CGI2015 http://t.co/H1j1DFdeWY
23 09 2015
Climate change matters most to me.
United States
25 09 2015
Caring about and for the entire human existence by continuing to make contributions of time and money for the good of all, especially with regard to equal rights for all and environmental issues!
United States
25 09 2015
The future of impact will look at the barriers people face and the interventions for those challenges more holistically. This worthy work requires humility, collaboration, and ceaseless hope.
United States
25 09 2015
We should be educating, training & empowering girls and women, the single most important factor in better economic growth, more durable peace, improved health & wellbeing.
United States
25 09 2015
Healthcare as a driver for community social & economic development & empowerment
United States
25 09 2015
Empowering girls and women. Doing that one thing can make all the difference. That old saying "women make the world go around "is so true.
25 09 2015
Increasing education and prevention efforts to end violence against women and girls, including stronger legal protections for trafficking survivors.
Virgin Islands
25 09 2015

Global leaders should focus on protecting Earth’s ecosystems & their life-sustaining benefits! #FutureofImpact @ClintonGlobal #biodiversity
21 09 2015

Over 133 billion lbs of the U.S.'s overall food supply goes to waste ! Enough to feed 25 million Americans. #foodwaste #FutureofImpact
17 09 2015

Less cars, more bikes, better health, more smiles #futureofimpact #ditapamakina
16 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is bringing sustainable energy to communities around the world. #energy4health #energy4education #se4all
16 09 2015

#futureofimpact Stop (or reduce) global warming. Find more humane ways to deal with refugees. Keep $$ flowing to stop HIV/AIDS
16 09 2015

@good Great idea on #futureofimpact!Hope a big focus on building more schools in dev countries, given the #SDG2030 for universal K-12 Ed.
15 09 2015
Global leaders need to concentrate on finding alternative energy sources which will fuel generations to come, rather than leading to their demise.
United States
25 09 2015
Change procurement policies so that a proportion of what governments buy — be it 50 percent, 25 percent, or some other figure — represent products manufactured according to circular-economy principles.
United States
25 09 2015
CA Technologies: Our responsibility is to make an impact. We are committed to creating a better world – one with more opportunity and more education access for everyone.
United States
25 09 2015

Making the world a better place to live and enjoy by everybody in the world
United States
25 09 2015
Our leaders must focus on Pope Francis message on Climate Change, continue helping the poor and feeding the hungry.
United States
25 09 2015
Education is a challenge that, when addressed, provides a solution to other issues for the #FutureofImpact.
United States
25 09 2015

When we realize the rights and dignity of LGBT people everywhere, our whole world is better off. #FutureofImpact #CGI http://t.co/eiDHXEaEF7
25 09 2015

#Entomophagy needs to be a big focus in the future for positive impact on use of land/water/feed and #foodsecurity #FutureofImpact
— Eric …
25 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is to bring the healthcare systems of developing countries on a path to sustainable development
25 09 2015
structured hash tags for livelihoods, functions of government, development goals and targets will make knowledge drive inclusive #FutureofImpact
25 09 2015

Always seize the day and always hope for a better and brighter future for our children. #FutureofImpact
25 09 2015

#FutureofImpact is when the #lastgirl comes first. When we don't skim the top of the bottom. We begin at the bottom and transform the top.
25 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is access to quality education for every child the world over. @ClintonGlobal #CGI2015 @good
25 09 2015
Children able to achieve their full potential through growing up in safe and lasting family care.
United Kingdom
25 09 2015

We think socially inclusive supply chains are the #FutureofImpact. What do you think our future should be? http://t.co/UIBCatfB8T
25 09 2015

Feeding our own supply chain is the #FutureofImpact @Nets2Carpet @ClintonGlobal #CGI2015 http://t.co/eBVAGl6447 http://t.co/HVQanN8zk6
25 09 2015
#futureofimpact will be in change of the powerful as much as the poor . It will not be measured by gaining the lowest-hanging fruit but in how it helps the #lastgirl gain control of her destiny
25 09 2015

Our shared priority must be to see and break the barriers to impact by inverting the system and process of development. The teachers must become the learners and the learners must become the teachers.
25 09 2015

A world where all people have access to phone and internet service and the educational, economic, and health benefits that come with it.
United States
24 09 2015

Social justice, corporate social responsibility and greater equality -- amongst people, sexes and countries #FutureofImpact
16 09 2015

CGI end global poverty by ensuring clean water supplies #futureofimpact
17 09 2015

@ClintonGlobal The environment. My number one issue. True for many of our generation #FutureofImpact
18 09 2015

@ClintonGlobal We need to reinvest in Neuroscience so that we can find new cures for debilitating mental illnesses #FutureofImpact
18 09 2015

Our leaders should invest their time into eradicating poverty & fighting climate change, these are our most pressing issues. #FutureofImpact
19 09 2015

Realizing how critical the ocean is to life on this planet, and figuring out how to use the ocean without using it up. #FutureofImpact
21 09 2015

#FutureofImpact? Supporting families so children get the very best start in life; love, safety & education. @familyforeveryc @ClintonGlobal
23 09 2015

A future of impact is a future with world peace. @ClintonGlobal #futureofimpact
23 09 2015

I see the #FutureofImpact as ensuring that all children, wherever they live, can grow up in safe, protected families. @familyforeveryc
24 09 2015

My vision for the #FutureofImpact? Empowered youth & integrative partnerships. What's yours? Look forward to more @ClintonGlobal this weeknd
24 09 2015
I see the future of impact as ending torture and healing the wounds of torture for survivors, families and communities.
United States
24 09 2015
Empower youth NOW to apply community-specific solutions to the most urgent issues of our time: unemployment, intolerance, violent extremism and violence against women.
24 09 2015

The #FutureofImpact is access to quality healthcare for everyone, no matter where they live.
United States
24 09 2015
The Future of Impact is supporting families and carers to give their children the very best start in life. We'd help to reduce child abuse, prevent child labour, and empower women and girls worldwide.
United Kingdom
24 09 2015
Ensuring children grow up in safe and protected families, with solutions led and owned by communities themselves.
United Kingdom
24 09 2015
The Future of Impact is in the hands of empowered community-based experts, finding local solutions to local (and global) challenges.
24 09 2015
The Future of Impact is ensuring children grow up in safe and protected families, free from abuse, exploitation, neglect, trafficking, child labour.
24 09 2015
The Future of Impact is ensuring children grow up in the permanent care of a safe family, so as to reach their full potential.
24 09 2015
The future of impact is ensuring every child grows up in a safe and protected family, free from abuse, exploitation, trafficking, child labour - so as to become a strong confident fulfilled adult.
24 09 2015

Settling main crises of the world, differences and conflicts between nations
United States
24 09 2015
healthy and sustainable cities for all!
United States
24 09 2015
Without safe water and sanitation we will not end extreme poverty, girls and women will not be safe and precious time will continue to be lost on daily treks to find water and privacy. SDG #6 is #1
United States
24 09 2015

Smart grids and new clean energy networks use the ICT revolution to create jobs, growth and investment that heals the climate and empowers communities.
United States
24 09 2015
The #FutureofImpact will see families achieving livable, dignified incomes, not simply "improved" incomes.
United States
24 09 2015

i see the future of impact as contribute to shared energy in villages in DRC
DR Congo
24 09 2015
Empowering Youth and Youth employment # Future of Impact
United States
24 09 2015

building creative problem solvers to tackle the world's biggest challenges
United States
24 09 2015
Design-led Revolution. Designers solving today's epic challenges is the #FutureofImpact.
United States
24 09 2015

Imagine the #FutureofImpact when every child around the world has access to a quality education.
United States
24 09 2015
How do we take the incredible tools of knowledge and infrastructure at our disposal and provide them in a way that can be taken advantage of by all to create opportunities for prosperity for all?
United States
24 09 2015
Disaster Resiliency: preparing communities to manage large scale disasters before they occur and having a system in place to reduce the time to it takes to fully recover.
United States
24 09 2015
Greater focus on the first 1000 days of life as a window of opportunity to improve public health, drive progress of women inclusion and ultimately create a positive economic and social impact.
24 09 2015
The Business Community as a Formidable Force for Good!
United States
24 09 2015
Working to help veterans on both sides of a conflict, move towards a productive civilian life.
United States
24 09 2015
A world where all and each of the 7+billion of us have access to a health care worker. This is critical to realize individual and collective right to opportunities to thrive.
United States
24 09 2015
The #FutureofImpact is high-quality, free EDUCATION for all so we may advocate for ourselves when confronting barriers to access of knowledge, technology, healthcare and opportunity.
United States
24 09 2015

Shelter for a family in need creates strength, stability and self-reliance for generations.
United States
24 09 2015

Make sure that we have true gender quality for women and girls. Peace and Human Rights for all. Specific targets to clean up this planet and make sure we have sustainable solutions for climate change.
United States
24 09 2015

Youth unemployment needs to remain a top priority for our world leaders. By enabling its' youth through employment, the potential growth for a country is infinite.
United States
24 09 2015

I think that acting on climate change is #future of impact.
24 09 2015
Innovations that support a population quickly approaching 9 billion while stewarding and protecting natural resources so they are available for generations to come.
United States
24 09 2015

Increasing tolerance for -- and appreciation of -- diversity. #futureofImpact.
United States
24 09 2015
Currently 1 in 7 people face hunger in America, 1 in 4 child faces hunger in NYC alone. #FutureofImpact is food security.
United States
24 09 2015
The #FutureofImpact is a world where all have equality of opportunity, no matter their zipcode, gender, race, etc, where all have the opportunity to realize their full potential
United States
24 09 2015

I see the future of impact focusing on resource optimization and waste minimization. I believe organizations and individuals will seek to improve efficient utilization of locally valuable services.
United States
24 09 2015
finding real world solutions to climate change
United States
24 09 2015
Massive reduction of waste and increase of re-use. Circular economy, combat climate change, and in doing so, channel the impact of local communities.
United Kingdom
24 09 2015
effective climate change action, the immediate move to renewable energies